
Your benefits at a glance

Using integrated bed sensors allows for continuous monitoring of the main safety features of all beds in a ward. In case any of the bed’s safety features is compromised, the situation is immediately reported and appears on a monitor or mobile device. That enables nurses to react faster. Contactless technology is absolutely comfortable for the patient and simple for the nurse.

Bed height

Setting the bed to the lowest position, especially overnight, helps minimizing negative consequences of possible fall. SafetyMonitor gives warning when the bed is not in this position.

Bed brakes

Significant number of falls is caused by badly braked bed. SafetyMonitor will signal if breaks are not in the right position.

Backrest setting

If the backrest is set to less than 30°, SafetyMonitor automatically warns you. This is the position that helps prevent the development of pulmonary complications.

Side rails position

Signaling the position of side rails, the basic safety feature, is vital especially at night.

Patient out of bed

If the bed is equipped with a scale, SafetyMonitor will signal when the patient leaves his bed.

Patient weight

Beds with integrated scale allow SafetyMonitor to report patient weight.

SafetyMonitor notifies you when patient leaves the bed or the bed is not in the safe position. Our bed exit alarm offers two possible settings:

  • Non-zone bed exit alarm activates itself only if the patient leaves the bed completely.

  • Zone bed exit is more sensitive than non-zone bed exit alarm and helps prevent falls. Alarm activates itself before the patient leaves the bed (once the patient leans too much towards a side rail).

Zone bed exit alarm can only be activated manually on the bed after the nurse makes sure the patient is in a safe position. Compared to that non-zone bed exit alarm can be activated remotely from a nursing station.

Our goal is to make routine work easier for healthcare personnel. You can see what is happening in real time on the intuitive dashboard. If anything is out of the norm, SafetyMonitor gives warning and the nurse instantly knows where to go which significantly saves her time.

On top of that SafetyMonitor provides a constant overview of bed availability and complete history of alerts.

Keep track of where the beds are with a localization Tag. Once a bed is moved to a parking position in a different room, it will automatically connect to the system and display its position on SafetyMonitor dashboard.

Information from the integrated bed sensors is transmitted to a display and/or mobile device. We provide intuitive user interface where only necessary information is displayed. Our dashboard is immediately readable from a distance. We only use two color alert signals (yellow and red). If no color is displayed then everything is OK.

Records from SafetyMonitor (e.g. brakes status, bed exit alarm, patient weight) can be directly exported to the hospital information system (HIS) via HL7 v2 standard so hospital personnel do not have to import them to EMR manually. Easily pair bed data with patient’s EMR data and save time.

Technical features

Technical specification

Supported interface for the export of data to the hospital IS HL7 v2
Bed-server communication via Wifi/LAN
Wireless IEEE 802.11 b/g/n (pouze 2,4 GHz), WPA/WPA2-PSK, WPA2 Enterprise PEAP-MsCHAPv2, static/dynamic IP address
Ethernet 10/100Base-TX (podle IEEE 802.3u)
Minimum HW requirements 2 core CPU 3GHz, 4GB RAM, 100GB HDD
OS requirements Independent, but LINUX server is preferred. In case of Windows server use 2016, 2019 or later version.
Web browser requirements IE11 and higher, Google Chrome
Maximum user weight 150 kg

It is necessary to have a server connected to the Internet (for SafetyMonitor updates)

LINET EMR data transfer is Cerner certified and HL7 v2 compliant. Compatibility with facility specific EMR, HIS, middleware or software may require additional programming, software, hardware or other elements. LINET is committed to working with the facility, its vendors and consultants prior to and during any project.

The system is fully compatible with Linet EMR beds - Eleganza 4 and Eleganza 5.

Safety position Bed is in safety position (siderails up, lowest bed position, backrest at 30°or more, bed breaks on)
Trendelenburg angle Sensor provides information if foot part of the bed is higher than head part or opposite
Lateral tilt angle Sensor provides information if a bed is tilt on the left or right side
Patient weight Sensors provides patient weight
Siderails position Sensors provide information if siderails are up or down
Backrest 30° Sensor provides information if backrest is set at 30°
Backrest angle Sensor provides information of backrest angle
Brakes status Sensor provides information if brakes are locked or not
Bed exit alarm Sensor provides information when patient leaves the bed
Lowest position Sensor provides information if bed is in the lowest position or not
Bed exit status Sensors provides information if bed exit is activated or not and if zone bed exit is activated
Patient on bed Sensor monitors patient presence on a bed
Location of bed Sensor provides information about actual localisation of bed (Parking site)

SafetyMonitor can be used in combination with LINET EMR ready beds that are equipped with sensors and communication module that transfers data from the bed to the central server system. 

During the initial installation, LINET technician (or a partner) first installs beds and localization Tags in hospital rooms and makes sure they are connected to the server. Then he/she sets up your workspace, wards and rooms according to the hospital internal structure.




Brochure -Safety Monitor - English (general)