


A.T. Kearney organizes its Best Innovator competition in a total of 20 countries and uses it to evaluate companies based on the quality of their innovation management. In the ten-year history of the competition, judges have examined thousands of companies, and the stories of the most interesting ones have been included in Masters of Innovation.

“We value the fact that LINET appears here in the fellowship of companies and brands that we draw inspiration from and look up to in many respects. It is also a fantastic reference that will undoubtedly contribute to the development of our business opportunities. Last but not least, this is further evidence that our innovation strategy is on the right track,” says LINET Managing Director Tomáš Kolář.

In addition to Her Excellency Jan Thompson, British Ambassador to the Czech Republic, the ceremonial book launch was attended by consultants of A.T. Kearney as well as managers of both of the Czech companies featured in the publication. Representatives of other important companies as well as academics were also in attendance.   

The book Masters of Innovation – Building the Perpetually Innovative Company was compiled by A.T. Kearney consultants Kai Engel, Violetka Dirlea, Stephen Dyer, and Jochen Graff and was published by LID Publishing. It can be purchased through Amazon.com.

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