

Both parts of the training comprise three days each. Trainers Ms. Tereza Halfarova, Ms. Barbora Timrova, Mr. Josef Najman, and Mr. Christopher Loy of wissener-bosserhoff made a great effort and provided full support in presenting the full LINET Group product range to all 38 participants in order to help them better understand LINET’s unique features and key selling points as well as to adopt the right practices and service techniques.

“This successful event will certainly help accelerate the company’s expansion into the Indian market and help restart our presence in this region with new and highly motivated partners from across India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Special thanks to Mr. Anant Kumar Singh for organizing the entire event,” says Jiří Mlch, Regional Manager for Asia & Pacific.

One of the trainees and CEO of Health Essentials India Pvt.Ltd ., one of the partner companies, Mr. Santosh Kumar evaluated the whole event: “My team joins me in paying our sincere thanks to the members of the LINET team for organizing such an excellent training program. It goes without saying that the training has made our sales and service team much more confident in entering the market with the structured knowledge that they acquired. My special thanks to Mr. Jiri Mlch for his strategic direction in growing the business in our assigned territory, and I sincerely appreciate his faith in us and in the potential of the Indian market. Also, I would like to thank Ms. Tereza Halfarova and Ms. Barbora Timrova for their efforts in addressing the product training needs of the group. Their presentations are so clear and very effective, especially the joint presentations. They structured the training so diligently and conducted it with due care and perseverance. Thanks once again to one and all at LINET.”

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