

"It is a current trend to provide complete solutions, and in our industry, that means covering in-bed patient care and designing solutions that are comfortable for the staff, patients and management alike," says Petr Foit, LINET's Sales Director for Export. All this is covered across intensive, acute and elderly care, including mother and child care. LINET's comprehensive solution includes practical features that facilitate patient care as well as smart applications that can be used for total cost management. New solutions have always been a characterising feature of made in LINET, and patents and innovations are behind LINET's promotion to the highest league in its industry. "Events such as Hong Kong Medical Devices and Supplies and other professional events that take place in a global context confirm that we are still above our global competition in terms of the number of innovations," says Petr Foit in conclusion.

7 – 9 May 2018
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong


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